Generic Drug Name: Chloramphenicol / ChloramphenicolDrug Name Brand: Chloramex, Chlorbiotic, Cloramidina, Colme, Colsancetine, Combicetin, Empeecetin, Enkacetyn, Fenicol, Grafacetin, Ikamicetin, Isotic Salmicol, Kalmicetine, Kemicetine, Lanacetine, Licoklor, Microtina, Neophenicol, Palmicol, Reco, Spersanicol, Suprachlor, Xepanicol ,COMPOSITION / CONTENTChloramphenicol 250 mgEach capsule contains 250 mg of chloramphenicol.Chloramphenicol syrup 125 mg / 5 mlEach 5 ml (1 tsp) containing chloramphenicol 125 mg.PHARMACOLOGY (HOW DRUGS)Chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) is an antibiotic which has bacteriostatic activity, and at high doses are bakterisid. Anti-bacterial activity by inhibiting protein synthesis by binding the 50S ribosomal subunit, which is an important step in the formation of peptide bonds. Chloramphenicol is effective against aerobic gram-positive bacteria, including S. pneumoniae, and some aerobic gram-negative bacteria, including H. influenzae, N. meningitidis, Salmonella, P. mirabilis, Pseudomonas mallei, Ps. cepacia, Vibrio cholerae, Francisella tularensis, Yersinia pestis, Brucella and Shigella.
INDICATIONS / USEIndications Chloramphenicol is:Chloramphenicol is the drug of choice for typhoid, paratyphoid and other salmonellosis.For severe infections caused by H. influenzae (particularly infection meningual), rickettsia, lymphogranuloma-psittacosis and some gram-negative bacteria that cause bacteremia meningitis and other severe infections.Bacterial meningitis.Brain abscess.Granuloma inguinale.Gas gangrene.Whipple's disease.Severe gastroenteritisCONTRAINDICATIONChloramphenicol should not be given to patients:Patients who experience hypersensitivity or toxic reaction to chloramphenicol.Should not be used to treat influenza, colds, throat infections, or to prevent minor infections.Pregnant and lactating women.Patients with bone marrow depression or blood dyscrasias.DOSAGE AND RULES FOR USEAsk your doctor about the dosage and the rules of use chloramphenicol.The usual dose is given by a doctor is:Adults, children, and infants older than 2 weeks: 50 mg / kg daily in divided doses 3-4.Premature babies and infants younger than 2 weeks: 25 mg / kg daily in divided doses 4.Chloramphenicol should be taken on an empty stomach, ie 1 hour before meals or two hours after a meal.SIDE EFFECTSChloramphenicol Side effects that may occur are:Gastrointestinal tract disorders, gastrointestinal bleeding,Blood dyscrasias,Neurotoxic: optic neuritis and peripheral,Hemolysis in patients with G6PD deficiency,Headache,Encephalopathy, seizures, delirium, mental depression.Hypersensitivity reactions / allergies such as skin redness, fever, angioedema.A potentially fatal side effect: bone marrow suppression and irreversible aplastic anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, gray baby syndrome, and anaphylaxis (rarely).Drug InteractionsChloramphenicol inhibits the metabolism dikumarol, phenytoin, phenobarbital, tolbutamide, chlorpropamide and cyclophosphamide.Reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.Reduce the effectiveness of iron supplements and vitamin B12 in the treatment of anemia.Enhance the effects of oral anticoagulants, oral antidiabetic, and phenytoin.WARNING AND CAUTIONIn the long-term use should be inspected periodically hematology.Careful use in patients with renal impairment, premature babies and newborns.The use of chloramphenicol in the long term can lead to the growth of microorganisms, including fungi sensitive.PACKAGINGChloramphenicol capsules 250 mg.Chloramphenicol syrup 125 mg / 5 ml.DESCRIPTIONON MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION.Store in a cool dry place, protected from light. Keep out of reach of CHILDREN.

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