Generic Drugs: Methampyrone / Metampiron, DiazepamBranded drugs: Analsik, Cetalgin, Danalgin, Hedix, Neuroval, Opineuron,COMPOSITION / CONTENTDanalgin Each caplet contains:Methampyrone / Metampiron 500 mg, andDiazepam 2 mg.PHARMACOLOGY (HOW DRUGS)Danalgin is a medicine that contains methampyron (as analgesic) and diazepam (as transquilizer).Metampiron worked as an analgesic, has the effect of reducing the pain moderate - severe. Metampiron absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and has a half-life of 1-4 hours.While diazepam have activity as anxiolytics and hypnotics. Diazepam is metabolized primarily in the liver and binds to receptors in the spinal cort, the cerebellum, the limbic system and cerebral cortex. Diazepam peak plasma concentrations achieved after 15-19 minutes. The half-life varies between 20-70 hours, but an active metabolite of diazepam desmetil dominant namely having a half life of 30-100 hours. The half-life of diazepam and desmetil diazepam usually elevated in neonates, the elderly and patients with severe hepatic impairment.INDICATIONS / USEIndications Danalgin is to relieve the pain / moderate to severe pain, especially colic pain and pain after surgery which required a combination with a tranquillizer.
CONTRAINDICATIONDanalgin should not be given to:Patients who are hypersensitive / allergic to danalgin, methampyron, diazepam, pyrazolone derivatives.Infants under 6 months.Pregnant and lactating women.Patients with systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg.Patients who experience respiratory depression.Patients who experience acute pulmonary disorders.Patients who have narrow-angle glaucoma.Patients with acute psychosis.Patients with porphyria.DOSAGE AND RULES FOR USEAsk your doctor about the dosage and the rules of use Danalgin.The usual dose given to adults:1-2 caplet Danalgin, 3-4 x / day, maximum 4 caplets / day.SIDE EFFECTSDanalgin side effects that can arise:Hypersensitivity reactions / allergies such as redness, itching, urticaria, and others.Drowsiness, ataxia, fatigue.Agranulocytosis, constipation, depression, diplopia, hypotension, jaundice, changes in libido, nausea, tremor, urinary retention, vertigo.Dependence.WARNING AND CAUTIONDo not drive a vehicle or run the engine during take medication Danalgin.Danalgin not drugs to treat sore muscles on the symptoms of flu and not to treat rheumatism, lumbago, backache, bursitis, shoulder-arm syndrome.Because it can cause fatal agranulocytosis, then Danalgin should not be used in the long run continuously.Danalgin use caution in patients who have had impaired formation of blood / blood disorders, impaired liver or kidney function. Because it is necessary to check liver function tests and blood in use longer than the use to address acute pain.Danalgin use caution in patients with severe depression or who have a tendency to commit suicide.Danalgin drugs can cause muscle weakness and physical and psychological dependence.Discontinue treatment if paradoxical reactions occur due to the use Danalgin such circumstances acute hyperexcitability, anxiety, hallucinations and sleep disorders.Drug InteractionsShared use of CNS depressant drugs or alcohol may increase depressant effects.Chlorpromazine, valproic acid, beta blockers, cimetidine.PACKAGINGDanalgin, a box containing 10 strips x 10 caplets.Danalgin, a box containing 50 strips x 10 caplets.DESCRIPTIONON MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION.Store in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of CHILDREN.

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